Atlanta. Restaurant Eugene

애틀란타 맛집

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특별한 날에는 꼭 찾게 되는 파인 다이닝 레스토랑

4 코스로 즐기는 테이스팅 메뉴 ($95)와, 8 코스로 즐기는 테이스팅 유진 ($165)
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시즌 별로 메뉴가 바뀌고, 항상 충격적이게 맛있는 메뉴들이 등장하곤 한다.

이번엔 특별히 생일 축하하는 저녁 식사를 가졌고
오랜만에 와인 패어링도 했다.

애틀란타 맛집 레스토랑

애틀란타 맛집 레스토랑 유진

애틀란타 가볼만한 맛집

생일 축하한다는 카드를 정성스럽게 돌돌 말아

콩이 들어있는 유리병에 꽂아 두었다.

내 생일은 아니었지만 내가 읽고 내가 킵 ㅋ

미국 애틀란타 맛집

생일 축하한다고 샴페인을 서비스로 주셨다.

남편은 술을 마시지 않기 때문에 다내꺼!

애틀란타 맛집 가볼만한 곳

식전 음료라고 주었는데

굉장히 건강한 맛인데 박하스 같기도 하고

어려운 맛이었다.

레스토랑 유진

후므스가 들어간 마카롱.

달지도 않고 너무 맛있었다.

맛집 레스토랑 유진

아이스크림, 팝콘, 캐비어 어쩌고 저쩌고

설명은 다 못들었지만 이것도 테이스트 굿!

레스토랑 유진 애틀란타

덤불에서 뜯은 풀 처럼 생긴 샐러드 밑에는

푸아그라가 있었다

레스토랑 유진 애틀란타 미국

빵도 주시고

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펌프킨 퓨레가 깔린 생선 요리

따로 올라온 허브를 손으로 뜯어서 향을 내서 뿌려먹으라고 했다.

애틀란타 미국 맛집 레스토랑 유진

닭고기 요리

애틀란타 레스토랑 유진 맛집

히비스커스를 뿌린 샤벳

분위기 좋은 레스토랑 애틀란타

직접 구워 갓 나온 빵도 또 주시고

로맨틱한 애틀란타 맛집


넘나 배부른 것

분위기 좋은 미국 레스토랑


이미 배가 너무 불러서 맛만 보았다.

로맨틱한 레스토랑 애틀란타 유진

입가심 용 오이향이 나는 무엇

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생일 축하 불쇼도 준비해주셨다

분위기 좋은 레스토랑 유진 애틀란타

마지막 후식

Atlanta Murphy's restaurant

애틀란타 맛집

애틀란타 보태니컬 가든 (Atlanta Botanical Garden) 근처에 있는 레스토랑.

1인 셰프가 운영하는 식당이고

집을 구하기 전이던 시절 자주 찾았던 곳이기도 하고

손님이 올 때나 이곳 친구들과 만날 때 애용하는 장소이기도 하다.

애틀란타 보태니컬가든 맛집

와인바도 갖춰져 있는데, 나는 한 번도 이쪽은 와보지 못했다.

전에 두번 정도 서빙해주었던 에밀리란 분이

주일 오전에 본인이 와인바 담당이라고 한 잔 하러 오라고 했었지만

주일이라 실패.

애틀란타 보태니컬

메뉴는 다양하다. 간단한 small plate 부터 샐러드, 메인 디시까지 있고

육류, 어류 다양하게 고를 수 있다.

매번 갈 때마다 메뉴를 열심히 고르지만

정작 먹는 것은 Today's Special.

서빙하는 분이 설명하는 거를 듣고 있다보면 '어머 저건 먹어야해'라는 생각이 들고

실제로 실패해본 적은 없는 것 같다.

애틀란타 맛집 머피스

내가 시킨 오늘의 메뉴는 Crab cream pasta with mushrooms, tomatoes, and sweet corns.


애틀란타 레스토랑

남편이 시킨 메뉴는 Trout 요리.

이것도 맛있다.

애틀란타 브런치

오늘은 기분 좀 내보려고 디저트도 먹고 왔다.

애틀란타 보태니컬가든 브런치

가장 인기가 많다는 Dessert Trio 와 아이스커피.

애틀란타 맛집 브런치

커피를 얼린 얼음을 넣어주어 마지막까지 연해지지 않고 맛있는 커피를 즐길 수 있었다.


1. Patient Care, Safety, and Communication

2. Physics principles

3. Pulse-Echo Instrumentation

4. Quality Assurance/Quality Control of Equipment

1. Patient Care, Safety, and Communication

* ALARA principle (as low as reasonably achievable) [★]

- time, distance, shielding

- Complete diagnostic scan in a timely fashion at lowest output power that achieves a quality image

- Use the lowest transmit power that allows adequate tissue visualization


* Transmit power [★]

- Affect the exposure of the patient to acoustic power

- ↑ transmit power

: penetration ↑

: Acoustic power ↑, voltage applied to transducer elements ↑

: Image brightness ↑


* Bioeffect through absorption of sound energy by tissue [★★]

- Heating

: Tissue heating occurs when transmit power increases


* Nosocomial infection = hospital-acquired

- To avoid nosocomial & cross infection

: probe cleaning should always precede high-level disinfection

: covering probe with condom alone is insufficient

: disinfection using germicide compatible with the transducer

- When probe is in contact with mucous membranes

- Alcohol wipes are not recommended by manufacturers

: Alcohol degrade the transducer surface over time


* Mechanical index (MI)

- Method to evaluate bioeffect of US beam

 - Associated with onset of cavitation


* Thermal index (TI) [★]

- Power needed to increase tissue temperature by 1⁰C (Estimated temperature increase in tissue)

- TI > 1: Limit exposure time

- TI = 1: temperature could increase 1⁰C if transducer were held stationary

- most likely: bone (absorber)

- To avoid thermally induced biologic effects

: Avoid local tissue temperature increase exceeding 1⁰C


* Advantage of MI, TI

- Information available on screen to help sonographer implement ALARA principle


* Hydrophone

- Small needle with crystal at end

- Measure: amplitude (acoustic pressure), period, pulse duration (PD), PRP, PRF, duty factor (DF)

- Cannot measure: impedance


* String test object

- Evaluate doppler accuracy


* Acoustic streaming

- Acoustically generated transport of fluid within the body of insonated fluid/tissue

- Mechanical interaction of tissue and sound

- Motion of particles in a fluid observed in an intense US beam

2. Physics principles

* Purpose of gel coupling between transducer and skin

- To provide a medium for sound transmission, since US does not propagate through air


* Diffraction [★]

- General term for various phenomena in which waves from different parts of a source add or subtract

- ex) Pattern produced by a sound beam after passing through a small aperture


* When Image does not show adequate penetration, show noise in far field

- Decrease ultrasound transmit frequency [★★]

- Increase acoustic output

- Move focal zone to deeper position


* Doppler pulsed used for diagnostic purposes

- 5-30 cycles long

3. Pulse-Echo Instrumentation

* Tissue harmonics [★★]

1) Harmonic of transmitted frequency is used to create image

2) Harmonic frequency of transmitted pulse is generated within the body

- Selective reception of frequencies that are higher than that of transmitted frequency

generated within the body by nonlinear propagation

- Produces thinner beam

3) Advantage of Tissue harmonic imaging [★★]

- Grating lobe artifacts are reduced

               : improved contrast resolution

                              - contrast resolution is always improved by increasing frequency

                              - harmonics always result in use of higher frequency

                              - harmonics reduce clutter and side lobe artifacts

- lateral resolution is improved

- increase visualization of reflections from blood flow on real-time US image


* Signal-to-noise ratio

= relative amplitude of the signal compared to the amplitude of the noise


* Volume data set

1) Advantage

- Can be manipulated to show an infinite number of imaging planes with many different images

2) May be obtained by

- a freehand sweep of the probe over the anatomy

- an automated sweep of the transducer within the probe

3) Automated 3-D sweeps can be obtained with specially designed mechanical/electric transducers

- Advantage: Measurements can be accurately obtained

               (the distance of sweep is known)


* Cine loop

- Allows user to freeze and then scroll back through the most recently acquired image frames


* 3D imaging

1) Advantage [★★]

- Most helpful to obtain accurate anatomic volume measurements

- Ability to display image planes (coronal plane) impossible to obtain with 2D imaging

- Ability to display orthogonal planes simultaneously

2) volume rate: # of volumes displayed per second

3) Voxel

- smallest element of a 3-dimensional volume (3-dimensional pixel element)

- analogous to pixel in 2D imaging


* 4D imaging

- 3D imaging with addition of time



- Isotropic resolution: spatial resolution is equal in all planes

- Anisotropic resolution: unequal resolution between imaging planes


* Magnetic field tracking

1) Successful method of obtaining 3D data set

2) Based on a six degree-of-freedom magnetic field sensor

3) requirements for 3D reconstruction

- electromagnetic interference must be minimized

- transmitter must be in close proximity to receiver

- ferrous metals must not be within electromagnetic field


* DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) [★]

- Standard for handling and transferring images and medical information

1) Query/Retrieve

- DICOM feature to recall a previous DICOM study onto system for viewing

2) Worklist

- DICOM feature to select patient name and automatically populate patient information on system.

3) Sonographic images are compressed before sending to PACS

- To reduce time to transmit the image

4) PACS (Picture Archive and Communication System)

- System commonly used to handle the archiving and electronic distribution of sonographic images

               (using a DICOM format)


* Advantage of Modality worklist

- Avoiding the need to type patient information

- Reducing patient information error

- Speeding up patient preparation time

- Easily confirming patient information


* Pulse inversion harmonics

1) Effective method to filter out fundamental frequency (transmitted frequency)

- leave only the harmonic frequencies for display

2) Uses two pulses of opposite polarity transmitted into the tissue in rapid succession

- The received echoes from the pulses are added together

- Cancels out the transmitted frequency, leaving the harmonics that were generated within tissue


* Cardiac output

- volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute


* Vessel wall layers

vessel wall layers 

- Intima

: Single layer of cells backed by a thin layer of elastin and collagen fibers

               : atherosclerotic disease begins as a fatty streak within intima

- Media: contains smooth muscle fibers


* Rouleaux formation

- Stacking up of RBCs that occurs at low velocities and low shear rates

- Produces larger echo: blood flow may be visible

- velocity ↑ → rouleaux formation breaks up

4. Quality Assurance/Quality Control of Equipment

* SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) test pattern

- Standard pattern for evaluation of monitors and cameras

- Purpose: to aid in the setup and quality assurance of displays and cameras


* Quality control

1) system penetration

2) image uniformity

3) assurance of electric safety

4) distance measurement accuracy


* Dead zone

ultrasound dead zone 

- distance from the transducer to the first identifiable echo


* sensitivity

- ability of the system to detect weak echoes


* transducers can be cleaned with

- soap and water

- ultraviolet light or radiation

- autoclave

- gas

- not) cidex, acetone, iodine, betadine, bleach

- Glutaraldehyde: commonly recommended ingredient in cleansers for intracavitary probes




* Davies Ultrasound Physics review




'Ultrasonography' 카테고리의 다른 글

[ARDMS] SPI 후기  (0) 2018.10.07
[ARDMS] 미국초음파자격시험에 도전해보기로 했다  (4) 2018.09.21
[Ultrasound Physics] ARTIFACTS  (0) 2018.09.03
[Ultrasound Physics] RESOLUTION  (0) 2018.09.03
[Ultrasound Physics] REFLECTORS  (0) 2018.09.03


1. Artifacts

2. Resolution Artifacts

3. Propagating Speed/Path Artifacts

4. Attenuation Artifacts

5. Doppler Artifacts

1. Artifacts

1) Any unintended information on an image that does not represent the object

2) Artifacts can be a hindrance or in some cases may be diagnostically helpful

3) Basic Assumptions

- There are several assumptions made by an ultrasound machine

- Artifacts occur when these assumptions are violated

1. Sound travels in a straight line

2. Reflections are produced by structures along the beams main axis

3. Sound travels at exactly 1540 m/s

4. Intensity of a reflection directly corresponds to a reflector’s scattering strength

5. The imaging plane is very thin

6. Sound beams travel directly to a reflector and back to source

2. Resolution Artifacts

1) Axial resolution artifact [★]

- Closely spaced targets of varying distances


axial resolution artifact 


- Axial Resolution

: Ability to differentiate between two objects along the long axis of the ultrasound beam

= SPL/2

- Axial Resolution Artifacts appear when all 3 conditions occur:

1. Two or more reflectors are closer together than SPL/2

2. Only one reflector will appear on the image

3. Reflectors are parallel to the beam axis

- Hindrance

: Produce fewer reflectors on the image

: Actual anatomic data is missing

- Prevention

: by using higher frequency transducers with short distinct pulses


2) Lateral Resolution Artifact [★★]

- Measuring lateral width of a target on an ultrasound phantom

lateral resolution artifact


- Lateral Resolution

: Ability to differentiate between two objects that lie perpendicular to the ultrasound   beam

= beam width

- Lateral Resolution Artifacts appear when all 3 conditions occur:

1. Two or more reflectors are closer together than the width of the beam

2. Only one reflector will appear on the image

3. Reflectors are perpendicular to the beam axis

- Hindrance

: Produce fewer reflectors on the image

: Actual anatomic data is missing

- Prevention

: by using narrower beams


3) Elevational Resolution Artifact (= Slice-Thickness A., partial volume artifact) [★★★★★]


slice thickness artifact 


partial volume artifact 


- Due to beam width perpendicular to the scan plane.

- Affect imaging quality by displaying anatomic structures (reflectors) in the incorrect imaging plane

- These reflections can cause hollow structures to fill in

- Hindrance

: Causes anechoic structures to have low level echoes or false debris

- Example: false appearance of debris in simple cystic structure

- Prevention

1. Turn on Harmonics

: sound beam in this mode is narrower than in regular gray scale mode

2. Disc Shaped Elements

: Provide the thinnest slices and the best elevational resolution.

3. Newer Transducers

- 1.5-D arrays (multirow array transducer) [★★]

· They create thinnest beams with improved slice-thickness

· Have multiple crystals in an up and down direction

→ focus the beam in the thickness plane

· exhibit least amount of volume averaging


4) Contrast Resolution Artifact

- Inability of a gray-scale display to distinguish between echoes of slightly different intensities

: How many Shades of gray can be displayed

- Factoring Components

: With a decreasing number of bits per pixel, less shades of gray appear

- Less shades of gray = worse contrast resolution

- Cause: Not enough bits per pixel in image memory

- Poor contrast resolution

: Image appears more black-and-white, with few shades of gray in between

: Showing less detail

- Hindrance                                                                                                                              

: Fewer bits per pixel = fewer shades of gray = degraded contrast resolution

- Prevention: Usage of B Color


5) Spatial Resolution Artifacts

- Spatial resolution pertains to the overall detail produced in an image

- Spatial resolution artifacts are created when display monitor fail to produce adequate image detail

- Factoring Components: Spatial resolution artifacts can be created in a number of ways

1. Pixel Density

- Low pixel density (fewer pixels per inch) → larger pixels

: Larger pixels provide blurry and less detailed images

                              - Higher pixel density (more pixels per inch) → smaller pixels

                                             : Smaller pixels provide better detail, better spatial resolution

                              - pixel density cannot be changed

                              - quality may be improved by write magnification (pre-processing technique)

                                             : sonographer chooses a region of interest (ROI) to magnify

                                             : US rescans the image → greater number of pixels, improves SR

2. Line Density

- Low line density creates less detailed images

- controlled by US system, but can be controlled by the operator

- Modern display are equipped with more lines per page providing better SR

3. Number of horizontal lines in a display monitor. 

- Monitors with less horizontal lines degrade spatial resolution

3. Propagating Speed/Path Artifacts

1) Refraction Artifact (= Lateral misregistration) [★★★★]

refraction artifact lateral misregistration 


- bending of sound beam due to different media propagation speeds

- ex) while imaging a cyst: shadowing posterior to each lateral border of cyst

- Causes of Refraction

1. Oblique incidence

2. Difference in propagating speed on either side of the boundary

Snell’s law: sinθt/sinθi = Vt/Vi

- angle of sound transmission at an interface between media with different P.S. 

- Propagating Speed (c) through the 2nd medium > 1st medium

               Transmission angle > Incident angle

- Propagating Speed (c) through the 2nd medium < 1st medium

Transmission angle < Incident angle 

snell's law 

- Hindrance

: Duplication of a reflector / shows a false structure

: Reflector misplacement

- Prevention

: Change angle, artifact shouldn’t be in same place


2) Multipath Artifacts [★]


multipath artifact 


- Artifact created when the pulse is redirected along different paths before returning to the transducer

- The transmit and returning path are not the same

- Causes: Scattering

: Random redirection of sound in many directions

: Occurs with rough surfaces

: Occurs when tissue interface is small compared to the beam

: Boundary is less or equal to the wavelength of incident beam

: independent of the direction of the incident sound 

- Hindrance

: Subtle, nonspecific changes that cannot be identified on an image

: may cause abnormalities of depth or position of a structure

: result in both axial and lateral displacement of reflector


3) Mirror Image Artifact

- a second copy of a true object incorrectly appears on the opposite side of a strong reflector

- Observed in all imaging mode [★]

- Characteristics

: Replica of true reflector

: Artifact will appear deeper than true reflector

: “Mirror” is in straight line between artifact and true reflector

: Artifact and true reflector are equidistant from mirror

- Cause

: sound reflects off of a strong reflector and is redirected towards another structure.

Creating a mirror image of the structure on the opposite side of the strong reflector                                      

mirror image artifact 

: Ultrasound will show true object in correct position (arrow showing mass on liver)

: also show a mirror image of the object (hyperechoic duplicate mass below diaphragm in image)

: Artifact will be deeper and behind the strong reflector (curved line-diaphragm)

- same path as true object

: Artifact will be same distance from strong reflector as true object 

- Hindrance

: could mistake mirror image for second object

: unable to correctly view area behind high reflector

- Prevention 

: Change angle of incidence to vary reflectivity of interface

: Adjust focal zone or TGC at level of high reflector causing mirroring to minimize reflectivity

: Scan from multiple windows

: Use spatial compounding

(combining image information from different angles to produce a single image)


4) Comet Tail/Ringdown Artifact [★★]


comet tail artifact ringdown artifact 


- Due to merging of two closely spaced reverberations

- Similar to a reverberation without the spacing

- Associated with resonance of a gas bubble

- Causes

: Two closely placed strong reflectors parallel to beam axis

: Sound wave bounces between the two reflectors eventually returning to the Transducer

: Most common in mediums with very high propagating speeds

- Solid hyperechoic line directed inferiorly

: Unable to differentiate between individual reverberations

: Appears posterior to actual structure

: Parallel to beams axis

- Hindrance

: False reflectors are displayed

: May obscure visualization of structures posterior to reflectors

- Prevention

: Use an alternative window

- Change beam angle

: Decrease TGC in the near gain


5) Reverberation Artifact [★★]


reverberation artifact 


- Multiple equidistant horizontal bands having decreased brightness with depth

: Only the first two are real

- Resulting in a single structure being displayed repeatedly at greater depths

- Causes

: Two strong reflectors parallel to wave axis

: Sound waves bounce between the two reflectors eventually returning to the Transducer

- Creating a longer go return-time

- Causing incorrect reflector placement on display

- Repeated hyperechoic reflections

: Equal increments of space between artifacts

: “Ladder” or “Venetian blind” appearance

- Hindrance

: False reflectors are displayed

: May obscure visualization of structures posterior to reflectors

- Prevention

: Use an alternative window

- Change beam angle

: Decrease TGC in the near gain.


* Water-path scanner

- Advantage of water-path scanner

: near-field reverberations are reduced

- Disadvantage of water-path scanner

               : bubbles in the fluid can inhibit sound transmission into the body


6) Propagating Speed Error Artifact/Range Error (= Axial misregistration) [★★]

- Created when sound propagates through medium at a rate other than 1540m/s

- Displays the correct number of reflectors at incorrect depths

: Causing misplaced echoes on image

- Causes

: Error in tissue velocity/velocity calibration of system

: Sound traveling at a speed other than 1540 m/s

- Slower than 1540 m/s (ex: large mass composed primarily of fat)

: Longer go return time than machine expects

: Pulses return slowly

: System places reflections at a greater depth (overestimates distance)

- Faster than 1540 m/s

: Shorter go return time than machine expects

: Pulses return very quickly

: System places reflectors at a shallower depth (underestimates distance)

- Displaces true reflections

- Helpful

: Conveys important information on the image

- Can provide tissue texture

- Hindrance

: Inaccurate placement may appear like pathology

- Need to look at in other views to confirm anatomy

- Prevention

: Currently cannot be prevented

: Use alternate viewing window

- Change beam angle


7) Focal Banding/Focal Enhancement Artifact


focal banding 


- Special form of enhancement

: side to side region of an image appears brighter (hyperechoic) than tissues at other depths

- Occurs in the focal region of the transducer when using multiple focal zones

- Cause

: increased intensity due to multiple foci

- Structures at the focus appear brighter than those at other depths

: An entire horizontal region (band) of tissue appears hyperechoic

- Results from increased intensity at the focus

               : same appearance as incorrect TGC setting

- Hindrance

: The brightening of echoes around the focus (intensity increased by narrowing of the beam)

: Higher intensity causes a hyperechoic horizontal band across the display

→ can be mistaken for a mass

- Prevention

: Decrease the number of foci

: Change the location of multiple foci

4. Attenuation Artifacts

1) Shadowing Artifacts [★]


shadowing artifact 


- The weakening of echoes distal to a strongly attenuating or reflecting structure [★★]

Or from the edges of a refracting structure

- Causes: result of too much attenuation

: A strongly attenuating or reflecting structure weakens the sound distal to it (attenuation)

→ echoes from the distal region are weak and appear less echogenic (like a shadow)

- Hypoechoic/Anechoic area parallel to sound beam

- Hindrance

: May hide or prevent visualization of a deeper structure

: difficult to obtain information about objects in the far field or within the shadow artifact

: Prevents visualization of true anatomy on the scan, resulting in missed information

- Helpful

: May provide valuable diagnostic information

- helps to characterize tissue

- ex) calcified plaques, stiff breast lesions, and stones

- Prevention

: Image structure in several angles to avoid missing information

: use tissue harmonic imaging (which produces thinner beam reducing slice thickness) [#1]

- Shadowing may not be displayed if beam width is greater than calcification

: due to volume averaging  

: To display acoustic shadow

→ beam width ↓ (frequency ↑ and/or improve focusing)


2) Enhancement Artifacts [★★★]


enhancement artifact 

- The strengthening of echoes from reflections that lie behind a weakly attenuating structure

- A hyperechoic region that extends beneath structures with abnormally low attenuation

- Opposite of shadowing

- Causes

               : Decreased attenuation through a fluid-filled structure

: Tissues with low attenuation (ex: hematomas and abscesses)

- Helpful

: Provide valuable diagnostic information helping to characterize tissue

- Hinder

: Cause blockage and prevent from seeing something important

- Prevention

: Reduced with spatial compounding  

: Several directional approaches allow the beam to get around the attenuating structure

5. Doppler Artifacts

1)  Aliasing [★★]

- High velocities appear negative

- With PW doppler, high velocity measurements are inaccurate

: if the pulsed doppler sampling rate (PRF) is too low in comparison to messed doppler shift



- Appearance of Doppler spectral information on the wrong side of the baseline

- Most common Doppler artifact

: Only occurs with PW

- Very high velocities in one direction are incorrectly displayed as going the opposite direction

- Causes

               : occurs because frequency-shifted signal is sampled

                              (rather than recorded continuously)

               : inadequately sampled shift results in aliasing

: when the Nyquist limit is surpassed

- Nyquist limit (kHz) = PRF/2 [★★]

: sampling frequency needed for detecting the doppler signal unambiguously

: when PRF cannot be increased to a level greater than 2 times doppler frequency

- Nyquist frequency: The doppler frequency at which aliasing occurs

- Peaks will be displayed on the wrong side of the baseline

- Hindrance

: Yields an incorrect direction and value

: Limited ability to correctly measure deep vessels

 - Prevention

: Increase the PRF (and Nyquist frequency), which will lower the baseline

               - can measure high velocities

                              - increased PRF may introduce range ambiguity

: zero baseline shift

: Increase the Doppler angle

: Use a lower operating frequency, which lowers the Doppler shift and shrink the spectrum

: Use a continuous wave device

                              - Aliasing does not occur in CW doppler [★★]

                                             : no limit in maximum velocity


2) Ghosting

ghosting ultrasound artifact 


- Form of noise

- The presence of false echo signals coming from outside the main beam

- Causes

: Low frequency Doppler shifts created by slowly moving anatomy

: Slow velocity reflectors

: Need to differentiate between anatomy and moving blood cells

- ex: heart muscle, pulsating vessel walls

- Hindrance

: Gives operator false diagnosis or measurement information

: Could interpret as slow-moving blood cells

- Prevention [★★★]

: Use a wall filter to eliminate low frequency Doppler shifts

: Increase PRFrange ambiguity, less sensitivity to slow flow, reduction of color fill


* Slow flow [★★]

No color signal detected within portal vein

slow flow ultrasound 

- color doppler system must be sensitized to detect low frequency shifts

: slow flow produces low frequency shifts

- set PRF lower to increase sensitivity to low frequency shifts

- increasing color doppler transmit frequency

: result in larger frequency shifts from slow flow

                              - improve visibility and sensitivity to slow flow

: decreased penetration to flow in vessels deep within tissues

- Lower the wall filter setting


3) Cross talk (spectral mirroring) [★]


spectral mirroring 


- Identical Doppler spectrum is shown above and below the baseline

- True flow pattern is unidirectional, but flow pattern appears bidirectional on spectrum

               : Spectral Doppler appears on both top and bottom

- Causes

: Equipment malfunction (poorly designed)

: Doppler gain is set too high

: Incident angle is near 90 degrees (between sound beam and flow direction)

- Doppler shifts cannot be obtained perpendicular to the beam

: Operator error

- Hindrance

: Spectral analysis is giving a false information

- Prevention

: Change angle of the transducer

: Apply gel (coupling medium)

: Fix Doppler gain


4) Twinkle artifact


ultrasound twinkle artifact 


- Phenomenon with unclear underlying causes that appears as a rapid alternation of color

- Immediately behind a stationary echogenic object, giving it a false appearance of movement

- Hindrance

: False appearance of movement

- Helpful

: Useful in detection of certain clinical conditions

- Ex: Urolithiasis (twinkle sign → positive reading that a stone is present)

: Can enhance accuracy and sensitivity

- Prevention

: Not having very strong scatters

: Eliminating the phase detection process

: Unfortunately, the operator has no control over these things


5) Flash artifact


ultrasound flash artifact 


- high-amplitude, low-frequency shift signal

- reduced by increasing wall filter

               : reduces sensitivity to low frequency shifts ass/w slow flow




* Davies Ultrasound Physics review





1. Resolution

2. Axial Resolution

3. Lateral Resolution

4. Slice Thickness/Elevational Resolution

5. Contrast Resolution

6. Spatial Resolution

7. Temporal Resolution

8. Frame Rate

1. Resolution [★]

1) The ability to separate closely spaced objects


2) Types of Resolution

- Detail resolution: relating to the transducer

: Axial Resolution

: Lateral resolution

: Elevational Resolution

- Contrast Resolution: relating to the instrument

- Spatial Resolution: relates to instrument

- Temporal Resolution: Relating to the instrument

2. Axial Resolution= Longitudinal, Axial, Range/Radial Depth (LARD) [★★]

axial resolution 


1) Accuracy in imaging parallel to beams axis. 

- The ability to accurately distinguish two reflectors as two reflectors parallel to the beam


2) Is a Number

- Depicts minimum separation that can be resolved

: Lower number = more accurate image (better axial resolution)

: Space between 2 reflectors less than AR = unresolved

· Structures will not be shown as individual structures 

: Space between two reflectors greater than AR = resolved

· Structures will be shown as individual structures

- AR [mm] = SPL/2 (best axial resolution with given transducer)

: spatial pulse length (SPL, [mm]) = # of cycles in a pulse x wavelength

: λ = c/f (wavelength = Propagating speed / frequency)

- propagating speed: determined by medium

- frequency: determined by source

: f- λ↓ - SPL - AR(better axial resolution)

: pulse duration ↓ (bandwidth ↑)SPL ↓ → better axial resolution


3) Superior AR

- AR depends on [★★★★]

: frequency (wavelength) - f↑ → better AR

: pulse duration (bandwidth) – PD ↓ → better AR

: higher bandwidth, increased damping better AR

: AR is determined chiefly by pulse duration

- Increased focusing → beam width ↓ → better LR but pulse length ↑ (poorer AR)

4) Best measure of resolution for modern-day ultrasound: axial resolution

- cf) worst measure of resolution: elevational resolution

3. Lateral Resolution = Lateral, Angular, Transverse, Azimuthal (LATA) [★★]


lateral resolution 

lateral resolution azimuthal 


1) Accuracy in imaging perpendicular to beam axis

- The ability to separate two reflectors as two reflectors perpendicular to the beam axis

- The minimum separation of two structures positioned side by side


2) Is a Number

- Depicts minimum separation that can be resolved

: Lower number = more accurate image (better lateral resolution)

: Space between 2 reflectors less than LR = unresolved

· Structures will not be shown as individual structures

: Space between two reflectors greater than LR = resolved

· Structures will be shown as individual structures

- LR [mm] = Beam diameter (beam width) [mm]

: Narrow Beams = Better LR. 

: Best at beam’s focus (end of near zone) 


3) Superior LR

- 3 things affect LR [★★]

1) Beam Aperture (diameter): Narrow/small is better

2) Distance from the transducer (T): Beam diameter varies with depth

3) Frequency: Higher frequency (narrower beam) is better

- to improve LR in far field: frequency pulses diverge less in far field    

- primary method of improving LR: focusing, dynamic aperture, ↑ line density [★★★★★]

               : increase the number of transmit focal zones and optimize their location


4) Axial resolution is better than Lateral resolution for imaging

- US pulses are shorter than they are wide

- Higher frequency improves both

4. Slice Thickness/Elevational Resolution

slice thickness elevational resolution 


1) The third dimension of the imaging plane, section thickness

- It is not thin or uniform

- True reflectors lie above/below assumed imaging plane but displayed on image                                                                                                                                                                           


2) Related to dimension of the beam perpendicular to the imaging plane [★★]

- Elevational resolution is worst with one-dimensional linear array transducer

- Elevational resolution is most affected by mechanical focus on linear array transducer


3) Contributes to image Artifacts

- Thicker portions: worse ER (worse artifact of image)

- Thinner portions: better ER (less artifact of image)


4) If using poor elevational resolution

- inability to clearly demonstrate small cystic structures

5. Contrast Resolution [★★★★]

contrast resolution 


1) ability of gray scale display to distinguish echoes of slightly different amplitudes and intensities

- ability to differentiate between two regions at different depths having similar echogenicity

- Better Contrast Resolution = Better detail

- improper adjustmentoperator will likely over-gain or under-gain the image


2) Digital Displays [shades of gray]

- Pixel = picture element

: Smallest building block of image

- Entire pixel = single shade of gray

: Shade of gray determined by bits

- The more bits per pixel, the more shades of gray = better CR

               : 8 bit system produces a maximum of 28 (256) possible shades of gray

               : n bit system → 2n shades of gray

- Dynamic Range/Shades of Gray

               : ratio of the largest to the smallest signal that a system can handle

: Determines the extent a signal can vary and maintain accuracy

: Narrow dynamic range = fewer shades of gray (High contrast)

: Wide dynamic range = many shades of gray (Low contrast)

- contrast resolution is improved by changing the gray-scale map


3) to improve contrast resolution: use 2D or matrix array transducer

- 2D (matrix array) transducer

               : have both rows and columns of elements

               → electronic focusing in the out-of-plane dimension possible (slice thickness is thinner)

               : contrast resolution is improved due to decreased volume averaging

6. Spatial Resolution

spatial resolution 


1) The overall detail of an image

- Greater detail images =Spatial Resolution


2) Determining factors [★]

- Line density: More scan lines = Better SR

: High line density (Sound pulses are closely packed) = better SR

: Low line density (Wider gaps between sound pulses) = worse SR

- reduce beam width (better SR) by focusing

- Axial resolution

- Lateral resolution


3) Digital Displays (pixel density)

- Pixel density: #of pixels per inch

: High pixel density = SR (better image detail)

- Smaller pixel size

: Low pixel density = SR (worse image detail)

- Large pixel size


4) higher frequency → better spatial resolution but greater attenuation

- to gain penetration: use lower frequency, sacrifice some spatial resolution

- for improved spatial resolution: use higher frequency, sacrifice penetration

7. Temporal Resolution

temporal resolution 


1) The ability of the display to distinguish closely spaced events in time

- Accuracy of displaying structures as they pertain to time

- The ability to precisely position moving structures from instant to instant


2) Determined by frame rate

- Frame Rate: # of frames (still images) displayed per second [★]

: Frame Time x Frame Rate = 1

(FR = 1/FT)

- More frames per second (higher frame rates) = Improved TR


3) Determining Factors of frame rate / Temporal resolution [★★★★★]

- Number of Pulses per frame

: Greater Line Density = Frame Time, Frame Rate (Worse TR)

- Multi focus: pulses per scan line, Frame Time, Frame Rate (Worse TR)

a. pulses Frame Rate (Improved TR)

b. pulsesFrame Rate (Worse TR)

: Increase PRF = faster frame rate (improved TR)

: sector width ↑ → Frame Rate (Worse TR)

- Depth of image

: Time of flight/Frame Time is directly related to depth

: Shallower Imaging

- shorter go return time, shorter Frame Time, higher Frame Rate (Superior TR)

: Deeper Imaging

- Longer go return time, longer Frame time, Lower Frame Rate (Inferior TR)

8. Frame Rate

1) Frame rate [★]

- Image formation

: Many single images are displayed in 1 second to produce “motion”

- How many frames pass in front of you per second

- similar to motion picture, multiple still images flashed in a rapid succession

- US examinations requiring highest frame rate: cardiac

- Determined by two factors

: Sound’s speed in the medium

: Depth of the image

- System settings that affect frame rate [★★]

: Image depth

: Number of pulses per frame (proportional)

               - PRF ↑frame rate ↑

- if scanning depth ↑, system automatically decreases PRF to avoid range ambiguity

- sector width ↑ frame rate ↓

               : system fires more scan lines for each imaging frame

               → increase the length of time it takes to create each frame

- Determines Temporal Resolution

: Accuracy of displaying structures as it pertains to time

: Ability to precisely position moving structures from instant to instant

: Excellent when a system produces many frames per second

: Substandard when displays few images per second


2) Relationship between FR and Time

- FR = 1/FT


* Multiple transmit focusing [★]

1) beam must be fired once for each zone on each line of sight → reduce frame rate

- other types of focusing do not affect frame rate

2) Parallel processing (co-processing)

- method for improving frame rates with multizone electronic focusing

               : simultaneously acquiring data for multiple acoustic scan lines




* Davies Ultrasound Physics review




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