1. Resolution
2. Axial Resolution
3. Lateral Resolution
4. Slice Thickness/Elevational Resolution
5. Contrast Resolution
6. Spatial Resolution
7. Temporal Resolution
8. Frame Rate
1. Resolution [★]
1) The ability to separate closely spaced objects
2) Types of Resolution
- Detail resolution: relating to the transducer
: Axial Resolution
: Lateral resolution
: Elevational Resolution
- Contrast Resolution: relating to the instrument
- Spatial Resolution: relates to instrument
- Temporal Resolution: Relating to the instrument
2. Axial Resolution= Longitudinal, Axial, Range/Radial Depth (LARD) [★★]
1) Accuracy in imaging parallel to beams axis.
- The ability to accurately distinguish two reflectors as two reflectors parallel to the beam
2) Is a Number
- Depicts minimum separation that can be resolved
: Lower number = more accurate image (better axial resolution)
: Space between 2 reflectors less than AR = unresolved
· Structures will not be shown as individual structures
: Space between two reflectors greater than AR = resolved
· Structures will be shown as individual structures
- AR [mm] = SPL/2 (best axial resolution with given transducer)
: spatial pulse length (SPL, [mm]) = # of cycles in a pulse x wavelength
: λ = c/f (wavelength = Propagating speed / frequency)
- propagating speed: determined by medium
- frequency: determined by source
: f↑- λ↓ - SPL↓ - AR↓(better axial resolution)
: pulse duration ↓ (bandwidth ↑) → SPL ↓ → better axial resolution
3) Superior AR
- AR depends on [★★★★]
: frequency (wavelength) - f↑ → better AR
: pulse duration (bandwidth) – PD ↓ → better AR
: higher bandwidth, increased damping → better AR
: AR is determined chiefly by pulse duration
- Increased focusing → beam width ↓ → better LR but pulse length ↑ (poorer AR)
4) Best measure of resolution for modern-day ultrasound: axial resolution
- cf) worst measure of resolution: elevational resolution
3. Lateral Resolution = Lateral, Angular, Transverse, Azimuthal (LATA) [★★]
1) Accuracy in imaging perpendicular to beam axis
- The ability to separate two reflectors as two reflectors perpendicular to the beam axis
- The minimum separation of two structures positioned side by side
2) Is a Number
- Depicts minimum separation that can be resolved
: Lower number = more accurate image (better lateral resolution)
: Space between 2 reflectors less than LR = unresolved
· Structures will not be shown as individual structures
: Space between two reflectors greater than LR = resolved
· Structures will be shown as individual structures
- LR [mm] = Beam diameter (beam width) [mm]
: Narrow Beams = Better LR.
: Best at beam’s focus (end of near zone)
3) Superior LR
- 3 things affect LR [★★]
1) Beam Aperture (diameter): Narrow/small is better
2) Distance from the transducer (T): Beam diameter varies with depth
3) Frequency: Higher frequency (narrower beam) is better
- to improve LR in far field: ↑frequency pulses diverge less in far field
- primary method of improving LR: focusing, dynamic aperture, ↑ line density [★★★★★]
: increase the number of transmit focal zones and optimize their location
4) Axial resolution is better than Lateral resolution for imaging
- US pulses are shorter than they are wide
- Higher frequency improves both
4. Slice Thickness/Elevational Resolution
1) The third dimension of the imaging plane, section thickness
- It is not thin or uniform
- True reflectors lie above/below assumed imaging plane but displayed on image
2) Related to dimension of the beam perpendicular to the imaging plane [★★]
- Elevational resolution is worst with one-dimensional linear array transducer
- Elevational resolution is most affected by mechanical focus on linear array transducer
3) Contributes to image Artifacts
- Thicker portions: worse ER (worse artifact of image)
- Thinner portions: better ER (less artifact of image)
4) If using poor elevational resolution
- inability to clearly demonstrate small cystic structures
5. Contrast Resolution [★★★★]
1) ability of gray scale display to distinguish echoes of slightly different amplitudes and intensities
- ability to differentiate between two regions at different depths having similar echogenicity
- Better Contrast Resolution = Better detail
- improper adjustment → operator will likely over-gain or under-gain the image
2) Digital Displays [shades of gray]
- Pixel = picture element
: Smallest building block of image
- Entire pixel = single shade of gray
: Shade of gray determined by bits
- The more bits per pixel, the more shades of gray = better CR
: 8 bit system produces a maximum of 28 (256) possible shades of gray
: n bit system → 2n shades of gray
- Dynamic Range/Shades of Gray
: ratio of the largest to the smallest signal that a system can handle
: Determines the extent a signal can vary and maintain accuracy
: Narrow dynamic range = fewer shades of gray (High contrast)
: Wide dynamic range = many shades of gray (Low contrast)
- contrast resolution is improved by changing the gray-scale map
3) to improve contrast resolution: use 2D or matrix array transducer
- 2D (matrix array) transducer
: have both rows and columns of elements
→ electronic focusing in the out-of-plane dimension possible (slice thickness is thinner)
: contrast resolution is improved due to decreased volume averaging
6. Spatial Resolution
1) The overall detail of an image
- Greater detail images =↑Spatial Resolution
2) Determining factors [★]
- Line density: More scan lines = Better SR
: High line density (Sound pulses are closely packed) = better SR
: Low line density (Wider gaps between sound pulses) = worse SR
- reduce beam width (better SR) by focusing
- Axial resolution
- Lateral resolution
3) Digital Displays (pixel density)
- Pixel density: #of pixels per inch
: High pixel density = ↑SR (better image detail)
- Smaller pixel size
: Low pixel density = ↓SR (worse image detail)
- Large pixel size
4) higher frequency → better spatial resolution but greater attenuation
- to gain penetration: use lower frequency, sacrifice some spatial resolution
- for improved spatial resolution: use higher frequency, sacrifice penetration
7. Temporal Resolution
1) The ability of the display to distinguish closely spaced events in time
- Accuracy of displaying structures as they pertain to time
- The ability to precisely position moving structures from instant to instant
2) Determined by frame rate
- Frame Rate: # of frames (still images) displayed per second [★]
: Frame Time x Frame Rate = 1
(FR = 1/FT)
- More frames per second (higher frame rates) = Improved TR
3) Determining Factors of frame rate / Temporal resolution [★★★★★]
- Number of Pulses per frame
: Greater Line Density = ↑Frame Time, ↓Frame Rate (Worse TR)
- Multi focus: ↑ pulses per scan line, ↑Frame Time, ↓Frame Rate (Worse TR)
a. ↓pulses ↑ Frame Rate (Improved TR)
b. ↑pulses↓Frame Rate (Worse TR)
: Increase PRF = faster frame rate (improved TR)
: sector width ↑ → ↓Frame Rate (Worse TR)
- Depth of image
: Time of flight/Frame Time is directly related to depth
: Shallower Imaging
- shorter go return time, shorter Frame Time, higher Frame Rate (Superior TR)
: Deeper Imaging
- Longer go return time, longer Frame time, Lower Frame Rate (Inferior TR)
8. Frame Rate
1) Frame rate [★]
- Image formation
: Many single images are displayed in 1 second to produce “motion”
- How many frames pass in front of you per second
- similar to motion picture, multiple still images flashed in a rapid succession
- US examinations requiring highest frame rate: cardiac
- Determined by two factors
: Sound’s speed in the medium
: Depth of the image
- System settings that affect frame rate [★★]
: Image depth
: Number of pulses per frame (proportional)
- PRF ↑ → frame rate ↑
- if scanning depth ↑, system automatically decreases PRF to avoid range ambiguity
- sector width ↑ → frame rate ↓
: system fires more scan lines for each imaging frame
→ increase the length of time it takes to create each frame
- Determines Temporal Resolution
: Accuracy of displaying structures as it pertains to time
: Ability to precisely position moving structures from instant to instant
: Excellent when a system produces many frames per second
: Substandard when displays few images per second
2) Relationship between FR and Time
- FR = 1/FT
* Multiple transmit focusing [★]
1) beam must be fired once for each zone on each line of sight → reduce frame rate
- other types of focusing do not affect frame rate
2) Parallel processing (co-processing)
- method for improving frame rates with multizone electronic focusing
: simultaneously acquiring data for multiple acoustic scan lines
* Davies Ultrasound Physics review
* https://sites.google.com/site/lindadmsportfolio/ultrasound-physics/
* https://sites.google.com/site/nataljasultrasoundphysics/
* https://sites.google.com/site/ektasphysicseportfolio/doppler
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